Retirement in Reverse

For professional Advisors

Let's work together

Why partner with Retirement in Reverse?

As a financial advisor, accountant, or in-home care provider, you’re always looking for ways to better serve your clients. A reverse mortgage is a powerful tool to help them access the equity in their home.

Retirement In Reverse, offers
Objective, Competent Advice to help you make informative decisions for your clients.

Furthermore we have No Conflict of Interest, as we do not sell Financial Product, nor enter into financial planning engagements. We share your commitment to your clients financial stability and quality of life.

With people living longer and savings often falling short, a reverse mortgage can be the key to giving your clients financial stability, protect investments, and enhance overall quality of life. We find the money to help our referral partners optimize their clients retirement plans.

With 30 years of experience as a Certified Financial Planner (CFP®) in retirement and business planning, Ted and his team understand the importance of collaboration. Since home equity is often a family’s largest asset, it’s essential to explore all options carefully. 

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  • Increase Retirement Income by refinancing their existing mortgage…. With NO MORTGAGE PAYMENT!
  • Alternative TAX-FREE income source: Allow their Investments Time to Rest and Grow.
  • Reverse Mortgage disbursements are tax free, use tax free income first taxable last
  • Provide TAX FREE funds to cover cost of “In Home Care” to “Age in Place.”
  • Remodel or upgrade their Home or BUILD an ADU.
  • Purchase a life Insurance contract with the LONG TERM CARE rider.
  • Use Reserve for Purchase to buy a new home better suited to their needs with NO MORTGAGE PAYMENT.
  • Make GIFTS TO CHILDREN OR GRANDCHILDREN now and be able to see and enjoy the benefit of their gift! 
  • Defer Social Security to age 70, for an average increase of benefit of 30%
  • Reverse Mortgage can  provide monthly disbursements to supplement retirement income
  • Avoid tax consequences of selling off other assets
  • Slow the burn rate of investments by eliminating mortgage payments with a Reverse Mortgage
  • Create an Irrevocable line of Credit as a hedge in these uncertain times
  • Pay off credit card debt and avoid building new debt
  • Have a Reserve Fund for future needs or opportunities …Travel, Pamper yourself…..Why Not It’s Their Money

Financial Advisors: Don’t Ignore Reverse Mortgages

Reverse Mortgages can help Financial Advisors client's who find themselves running out of money in retirement. This is according to an article appearing in Financial Advisor by writer Dan Jamieson.

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Barron’s: Jumbo Reverse Mortgage Can Help House Rich Seniors

For seniors who own homes with a notable amount of equity, proprietary jumbo Reverse Mortgages can be a viable option to explore when looking for the means to pay down an existing, forward mortgage or fund retirement.

Forbes: Jumbo Reverse Mortgage a Viable Alternative Financing Option

For Americans who find themselves in unique financial situations requiring forms of financing that may serve as alternatives to more traditional, forward mortgage loans, numerous financial products exist that can potentially serve customers in such situations more efficiently than traditional financing.

WSJ: Reasons Retirees Should Consider a Reverse Mortgage

Retirees should strongly consider employing a Reverse Mortgage loan to help fund their retirements, primarily because they can serve to protect against two major problems: falling home prices, and the increasing likelihood that a senior will outlive his or her assets.

Forbes: Tips for Heirs of a Passed Reverse Mortgage Borrower

If the family members of a Reverse Mortgage borrower are on the cusp of losing their loved one, then there are certain steps that they should consider taking before the loan becomes due and payable when the borrower leaves the home.

Wade Pfau Debunks Reverse Mortgage Critics’ Misconceptions

When examining the totality of negative press that Reverse Mortgage products have to endure, many of the most persistent repetitional hurdles faced by the products arise from people viewing the products themselves in isolation as opposed to a single part of a larger retirement strategy.

Barron’s: Reverse Mortgages Can Be a Positive Retirement Planning Tool

The perception of Reverse Mortgages as a “last resort” loan to fund retirement is diminishing, but persistent. Still, Reverse Mortgages are increasingly being seen as a viable financial tool for eligible borrowers even though prospective users should be aware of high upfront costs, according to a new piece at Dow Jones financial news subsidiary Barron’s.

Affluent Seniors Show Growing Interest in Reverse Mortgages

When asked to serve as a sponsor at a recent retirement strategies event hosted by TheStreet, Finance of America Reverse (FAR) saw a unique opportunity to discuss ways in which home equity could be implemented into retirement strategies.

U.S. News: Reverse Mortgages Included Among Tips to Strengthen Retirement

A new article at U.S. News and World Report giving recommendations on strengthening retirement security offers Reverse Mortgages as one of the potential tools a senior can use to bolster their financial security in retirement.

Forbes: Greater Value in Opening a Reverse Mortgage Before It’s Needed

Opening a reverse mortgage earlier will allow for greater availability of credit in the future, compared with waiting to take out a Reverse Mortgage until further along in retirement.

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